Browse Listings in New Zealand & Dependencies > New Zealand > George VI Commems & Health Stamps
New Zealand. 1949 Health "nurse & child". 2d + 1d ERROR "No stop below D". SG 699a
Positional block of four with ERROR "No stop below D" on stamp R1/2. Block mounted in upper margin, all stamps unmounted mint.
New Zealand. 1949 Health "nurse & child". Set of 2 values. Fine used. SG 698-699
Fine used as illustrated. 1949 Health "nurse & child". Set of 2 values.
New Zealand. 1951 Health "Yachts". 2d + 1d. Used. SG 709
Used single as illustrated. 1951 Health "Yachts". 2d + 1d.
New Zealand. 1951 Health "Yachts". 1½d + ½d. Used. SG 708
Used single as illustrated. 1951 Health "Yachts". 1½d + ½d.
1939 Health "Beach Ball" 1d on ½d + ½d. Used SG 611
1939 Health "Beach Ball" 1d on ½d + ½d. Used SG 611. As illustrated.
1938 Health "Children Playing" 1d + 1d Used single. SG 610
1938 Health "Children Playing" 1d + 1d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 9d Used single. SG 624
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 9d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 8d Used single. SG 622
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 8d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 7d Used single. SG 622
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 7d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 5d Used single. SG 620
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 5d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 4d Used single. SG 619
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 4d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 3d Used single. SG 618
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 3d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 2½d Used single. SG 617
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 2½d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 2d Used single. SG 616
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 2d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 1½d Used single. SG 615
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 1½d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 1d Used single. SG 614
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. 1d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. ½d Used single. SG 613
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty. ½d Used single. As illustrated.
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty.1/- Used single. SG 625
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty.1/- Used single. As illustrated.
New Zealand. 1940 Health. "Beach Ball". Fine Used set. SG 626-627
1940 Health. "Beach Ball". Fine Used set.. As illustrated
1940 Proclamation of British Sovereignty.1/- sage green & deep green. SG 625. UM
Unmounted mint single.